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Archive for March, 2007

Makes my heart flutter

“Any man who is concerned about his prospective wifes hymen should first provide a proof that he himself is virgin.” Broadsheet: Grand Mufti: Hymen not “rational” proof of virginity – Salon.com

Lunar Eclipse from UK

Lunar Eclipse from UK
Originally uploaded by markfftang.

Another one …

Lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse
Originally uploaded by mushmouth26.

Grrr, I made sure wait outside to try and see the eclipse. But it was all cloudy and snowy so it was totally hidden :( Now I’ve spent my morning being really jealous at the great shots other people got.

Best videos ever

Make sure to watch 5K too!


Originally uploaded by Kubaton.

10pm on a Friday night. I’ve got orange juice and a full moon. It could be worse right?

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